Virginia G - WIZBII Virginia G ha publicado su perfil profesional en WIZBII. V G

Virginia G

55 años • Madrid


Good communication skills and ability to work with people of diverse average Organized, disciplined and goal oriented Optimistic nature, responsible, dedicated and serious


Good Communication Skills And Ability To Work With People Of Diverse Average


: Travel Agent (I worked in the agency office)

06-2007 - 03-2009 Hostelería - restauraciónReferences to Romanian tourists abroad; Designing application programs and packages for individuals and companies; Travel programs for Romanian citizens, individuals or groups; Promoting sales through its agency and by collaborators; Detailed knowledge of programs of interest, accommodation, transport as part of the agency tender; Preparing the documents necessary for tourist services purchased (tax bill, invoice, travel document, ticket, tourist contract, ticket ordering, receipt Annex command); Making the reservation, established routes as programs for groups of tourists or businessmen; Booking airline tickets and bus transportation


Constantin Brancoveanu University, Rumania, Râmnicu Vâlcea (Romania)

2006 - 2009 Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania, Râmnicu VâlceaHostelería - restauración

Mis cualidades

Espíritu de equipo

Idiomas hablados

  • Español


  • Inglés


Hacer que su futuro sea todo un éxito.
  • Directorio de empleos
  • Directorio de empresas