Gwyneth Grey - WIZBII Gwyneth Grey ha publicado su perfil profesional en WIZBII. G G

Gwyneth Grey

Would love to get back into customer service role

58 años • Newcastle upon Tyne


I am a very hard worker, who is dedicated to getting the job right, I am a team player but who is also capable to work on my own. I have over 20 years customer sales experience by telephone or face to face. My personality is of a very good person. who knows when to be professional. I have had very good training in the past but is also very keen to learns new skills.


Good Customer Service ExperienceGood Listener And Problem SolverTeam PlayerNice PersonDedicatedGood Sense Of Humour.kind Hearted Knows How To Emphasise With People When Needed Or Symphasise.


Support Worker nightshift

05-2015 - Ahora


Rutherford Comphrehensive

1976 - 1982 Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, UK, Newcastle upon TyneVentas

Mis cualidades

Espíritu de equipo

Idiomas hablados

  • Inglés

    Lengua materna

Mis deseos

Un día

To be in a happy loving relationship, with a normal 9 to 5 job.

Hacer que su futuro sea todo un éxito.
  • Directorio de empleos
  • Directorio de empresas